Brittany's Fitness Success Story

Brittany success story


July 2012 I was in Ohio for a wedding and I decided to wear my favorite black dress. I put it on and it didn’t fit like it used to so I decided at that point that I wanted to lose some weight. I was at my heaviest I had ever been (160 pounds). I went to Complete Nutrition and found Smart Smoothie. I drank two a day (breakfast and lunch) only during the week and gave myself a break every weekend. After 6 months of hard dedication (and hardly no exercise) I am 30 pounds down and feeling great! I feel better physically and mentally. I still have 20 pounds to go but I have hit my plateau so it looks like I need to hit up Complete Nutrition for some supplements and I plan to add a hardy work-out routine to my regimen. Complete Nutrition helped me on my journey and I am proof that hard work and dedication does pay off!!

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