Reaching Fitness Goals and Then Some

Hi, I’m Tony!


I came to Complete Nutrition® over a year ago, and to say my life has changed is an understatement. I was tired, had no energy to work out, was working a desk job, and was just ready to make a change. What I didn’t realize was how far that change would take me. I visited Complete Nutrition® and spoke with the success coach (Matt), about losing some weight and gaining some energy. At the time I weighed 212 lbs and my goal was to get to 190. The success coach recommended that I take Complete Nutrition’s® Shred Stack, DR1, V-Core, and Blitzz, and so the journey began. I stayed in close contact with Matt and we even went to a few boot camps together at a local gym on Saturdays. Two months later, I was down to 185 pounds!

This is where my life to a dramatic turn, I approached Matt and said “I think I want to get lean and do a body building show.” I had selected a trainer and wanted to know what Complete Nutrition® products Matt recommended to continue to lose weight and build muscle. I knew it would take some time so I selected a show that was about 6 months out. I was training hard, eating clean, taking my supplements and living the life! My favorite products during training were Blitzz, Iso-Z5, Amino Uptake, and Omega Shred. Three weeks out from the show I made the decision that I was just not where I wanted to be yet, so I chose a different show three months out. When I stepped onstage on July 13th, 2013 I weighed 157 pounds! I plan to continue competing and cannot wait to continue my transformation journey with Matt Miller, Jeff Pavolino, Adam Dahmer, Mike Smith and the rest of the staff at Complete Nutrition®.

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