Citrine Testimonial: Jim Heidenreich

Follow along with Jim Heidenreich (CEO of Complete Nutrition) and others as they begin their Citrine 21 Day Challenge. The CN F.U.E.L blog is your place to follow their journey with Citrine and to find inspiration and motivation by the changes they’re making. Here you can learn about Jim’s goals, how he feels while using Citrine, and the struggles he faces during this challenge to achieve his goals.  But first, let’s meet Jim!

Q. Who are you and what’s your position?

A. Jim Heidenreich, CEO of Complete Nutrition

Q. Why are you interested in Citrine?

A. I’m very excited about the focus and energy aspect of Citrine. While I also want to manage my weight, I want to have increased energy throughout the day for work and training.

Q. What are your goals?

A. To train for both a marathon and a physique contest this summer.

Q. How have you been feeling since you started Citrine?

A. Great! Love the product. It works. I have more energy, focus and it helps me stay in a good mood.

Q. What’s been your biggest struggle?

A. Diet. I need to clean up my eating habits.

Q. What’s been your biggest success?

A. My training and energy levels have really improved. I’m starting to lean out and I have more focus to keep going.

Q. What are you doing differently that you weren’t before you began Citrine?

A. Preparing. I plan my meals the night before and I’m more aware of eating healthy throughout the day. Once I made the commitment to change, anything is possible.

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